Top 10: On a deserted island
I thought that this would be a fun, easy post. Then I realized that there are no power sources on this deserted island. Which makes things a little more challenging but still fun. Here's what I'd bring
1. Contact case and solution- I can't see a thing without my contacts. I'm liable to run into a coconut tree without them.
2. Books-lots of books. Probably my favorite books like the Anne of Green Gables series, Harry Potter series and many many more (that still only counts as one right?)
3. My hubby-After I love him and he's my best friend. Besides I need someone to carry the firewood right?
4. My drawing stuff.-I'm sure on this deserted island there is lots of wonderful stuff to draw and paint. So I'll need my watercolors, my charcole pencils and my drawing books. That still only counts as 1!
5. A journal -I'm sure there will be all kinds of things to talk about. I mean I can't tallk to my husband the whole time!
6. A sleeping bag-The thought of sleeping on sand or rocks does not appeal to me at all!
7. A lighter-I'm not gonna rub two sticks together. That would take too much time and I have better things to do
8. Sunscreen- I am very fair skinned.
9. Tarp-I have no idea what the weather is gonna be like on this island. And I wanna be prepared
10. Hammock-to relax and enjoy life!
What 10 things would you bring with you if you were going to live on a deserted island?
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