Saturday I competed in my first 5k race. Okay not first but more about that in a minute. I ran in the Houston Astros Race for the Pennant 5k.
I was super nervous the day of the race. You see I've competed in a 5k before but I did not finish it. That day my shins started killing me ( from not running outside enough) and I just got intimidated by everyone leaving me. So I quit before I finished the race. There were several times Friday night and Saturday morning that I would have given up without the love and unfailing support of my husband. He was there with me every step of the way--loving me, encouraging me and pushing me.Well the bell finally sounded and off we went. The first part of the race was easy. Then we got to the bridge. Yeah. For one thing I almost trip over part of the bridge. Then my calves started killing me. I just had keep telling myself "one step at a time." Well finally all those steps go me to the finish line. I was exhausted when I got there but so happy. I had race against my fears and I won! Below is the picture of me my hubby took just past the finish line. Yes those are tears of joy!
What fears have you over come that have been the most rewarding?