Thursday, January 3, 2013

Top 10 Things I hope to accomplish in 2013

Wednesday I wrote about my resolution for 2013. Here's a list of things that I would like accomplish in 2013. I believe that by abiding in Him in 2013 I can and will accomplish theses things.

1.To eat healthy and exercise
2.To be more positive. Those of you who know me know I'm a natural born pessimist and worry. I desperately want to change this
3. To read more than I watch TV.
4. Enjoy life.
5. Worry less. Smile more
6. Read from God's Word daily
7. Live Simply
8. Finally get my home office painted, organized and set up! :)
9. Learn and apply the technical parts of photography and continue to have fun with the artsy-fartsy stuff
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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 abide

Hello everyone and Happy New Year. I'd like to thank you all for taking time out of your busy day to read my post. My blogging break has been very restful and rejuvenating and I can't wait to share some great new posts and give aways with you.

I've been thinking and praying for a while about New Year's goals and resolutions. I've never done too well with specific goals. I tend to break my resolutions by January 6 and then say the heck with it for the rest of the year. This year I've decided to try a broader approach in hopes that I will reach my goal. I've decided to choose a word for the year. Something to focus everything around like a theme. The word I've chosen for 2013 is abide.
Webster's  defines abide as:
Definition of ABIDEtransitive verb
1: to wait for : await2a : to endure without yielding : withstand
b : to bear patiently : tolerate <cannot abide such bigots>
3: to accept without objection <will abide your decision>intransitive verb
1: to remain stable or fixed in a state2: to continue in a place : sojournWhy have I chosen abide for my word of 2013? The verse that occurred to me as I was choosing this word is John 15:5-9;

"I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned. If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples."

To me this verse is about remaining in Him not letting the stuff of life bog us down or break us. All to often we (and I put myself at the top of this list) let things bring us down. For me it tends to be Debt. Hurt feelings. Anger. Bitterness. Depression. Bad Health. Poor choices and the list goes on.  This year I'm determined to the let the Lord come in and help me abide in Him.  I'm looking forward to sharing my journey with you. 

Have you chosen a theme word for 2013? If so I'd love to hear it! 
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