Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday Fragments 9-8-11

1. This week the weather has been great fantastic. Lows in the 50 and 60 and highs in the low 90's. :) I just hope the heat doesn't come back with vengeance.

2. My heart breaks seeing and hearing about the forest fires here in Texas. The devastation is awful! It also makes you stop and think about what's important.  I know people who have lost everything. Please continue to keep them in your prayers.

3. I was hoping to be "officially" diagnosed with celiac disease but the test came back negative. I'm not really surprised though. You have to be eating gluten on a regular basis. Now why would I continue to eat the stuff when it makes me feel deathly ill afterwards! Come on now!

4. The doctor also said that my liver enzymes are still high. She wants me to try to loose as much weight as possible between now and the week before Thanksgiving. If the enzymes are still high when I go back, she wiants to do a liver biospy. 

5. I have never been good at dieting or weight loss. Yesterday was our garden club meeting and I was a bad, bad girl. :( Any tips, tricks, advice for weight loss would be greatly appreciated. 

6. The Sophie ordeal is still up in the air.  *sigh*
7. Thankfully I am starting to get some work. :) 

8. My cat Rosie has been really cold lately and has decided to star sleeping under the covers with me. Ever heard of a cat being cold? I haven't. Its weird but funny. 

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful weekend
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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wordless Wednesday 9-7-11

**Note this is not a picture that I have taken. But there are fires all over the state of Texas. Please pray for rain!*****

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday Topic: Blogging

After blogging for a over two years (I totally forgot about my blog anniversary in July-opps!)  I still have questions about blogging and I am hopping you my fellow readers and bloggers could give me some advice. Here are my top ten questions about blogging or my blog:

1. How do you get more comments? I have a ton of page views on my post but not a lot of comments! Why? 

2. How do you get into product reviews? I really enjoy reviewing books (I'm a bookworm-what can I say) but I'd like to branch out.

3. Okay I get them I am supposed to write and comment on other peoples blogs daily. Is anything else Major that I should be doing daily? 

4. When you look at my blog them, does it come up with a polka doted page and then change to something different or am I the only one seeing that? 

5. Is it possible to love writing and blogging and still make money or get free stuff from your postings?

6. What advice would you give someone new to blogging? 

7. There are so many how to books on blogging or improving your blog. Are there any that YOU recommend? 

8. Do you think it's important to post every day or is it okay not to as long as you have an established blogging schedule? 

9. What do you think about giveaways for the sole purpose of getting more followers? I have mixed feelings about this? 

10. If you could change anything about my blog (layout, content, theme, design-ANYTHING) what would you change? 

Thank you in advance for your kind and constructive advice. Happy Tuesday! :)

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Monday, September 5, 2011

Words to Live By Volume 3

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