Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Summer take aways

I can't believe how this summer has flown by! August is already almost half over. Before we know it Christmas will be here! (133 days from now, to be exact.) This has been a different kind of summer for us this year with my husband being out of work and me teaching summer school.  Despite the fact that it has been different I've learned so much. 
Here are the top 5 things I've learned this summer:

1. Take time for yourself. If you don't take care of you who will? 

2. Do things to make your soul happy. I've discovered this summer I love being on or near the water.  I've also discovered I enjoy life so much more when I do things that make me happy. 

3. Communication is important.

4. Fear is a liar. Satan will do everything in his power to steal your joy and happiness. 90% of the things you fear and worry about never happen.

5.Sometimes you just have to take some time off to gain a new perspective. When overwhelm kicks in and you don’t enjoy what you are doing – its time to step away for a bit to gain a different point of view.

 What have you learned learned about life this summer?

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