Thursday, January 26, 2012

Friday Fragments 1-27-11

1. This Saturday will move back into our house after living with my mother in law for almost three months. Our foundation and plumbing is finally fixed! Thank you Jesus! I have learned a lot from living with my mother in law. It's all good.-I promise.and I'll be sharing it soon! :)

2. My hubby is leaving Monday to go on a business trip to New Hampshire for a week starting Monday. He and I haven't been apart since we got married 3 and a half years ago. I'm glad for little time away but I'm already missing him too! (and the crazy part is-he has't even gone yet! :) LOL

3. Work is keeping me busy. For those of you who don't know. I am substitute  teacher who is currently working in a severe and profound special education classroom. It's very challenging but also very rewarding.

4. Today one of my students (I'll call her Lucy) "discovered" bubbles. I think it might have been the first time she's ever seen them! She doesn't talk but her joy and laughter when they floated by her warmed my heart! It's such a blessing to me to get to love on and work with these kids

5. Unfortunately my students don't always have the best hygiene skills. Between the crazy Texas weather and it being cold and flu season everyone it seems has been sick. Unfortunately, I think it may be my turn. I'm gonna get of this thing, take some medicine and go to bed. 
Have a great weekend everybody! 

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A-Z scriputre memory challenge "B"

This week is the second week of the scripture memory challange. Okay tecinally week 3 . I ment to blog about this last week when she posted the verse for the letter B but life happened.  So without further delay let me show you what B's verse is:

B - Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved... Acts 16:31

I've discovered some great ways to help me memorize the scriptures.  One way that I really like is I type the scripture on Window 7's Sticky Notes. That way I can always see it on my computer. Even when I'm not directly looking at it I can still see it out of the corner of my eye. 
Another grate tool for helping me memorize scripture is a post it note. I like to write the memory verse on a post it note and stick it to the steering wheel of my car. Great place to help me keep His word hidden in my heart. 
Here are some ideas that Cindy shared with us to help memorize:
* Write the verse on a mirror with a dry erase marker. (This seemed to work well for lots of participants!)

* Instead of putting the verse on a note card, type it into your phone. (Recommendation from an A to Z friend - thanks Silly Mama!)
* For families, you may want to print off a letter B  on colored cardstock. Write the verse on the "B", and hang it on your refrigerator.

**Feel free to share your favorite tips, ideas, even pictures. I'd love to share your suggestions and/or link to you in the weeks to come! 

Questions to Ponder/Discussion Ideas~
What does this verse mean to me? to our family?? Spend time reflecting, journaling, praying, and discussing how Acts 16:31 can help shape you and your family in 2012.

* Read the story of how the Phillipian Jailer (& his family) placed their trust in God and immediately expressed that faith by being baptized (Acts 16:25-34). Share your experience of when you placed your faith in Jesus, and when you were baptized (if applicable). 

It's not to late to join us for the a-z scripture memory challenge. Find out more here. 
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Monday, January 23, 2012

Motivational Monday 1-23-11

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