Wednesday, July 28, 2010


We proclaimed him, admonishing and teaching our kids with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. To this end we labored, struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully worked in us! (From Col. 1:28-29.)

Vacation Bible School three littel words that make a kid smile or quiver. I've grew up going to VBS.  VBS is taking place this week at our church. This is the first time I've ever taught VBS. I was really nervous about teaching the kids. I don't know why I was so nervous. It has been such a joy and blessing to teach the kids about God and His love! 

Here are my top ten vacation bible school memories (in no particular order):

1. Sweet little snaggletooth mouths saying their memory verses.

2. Listening to around 50 kids sing praises to our Lord. 

3. Watching some of our youth do a skit during the worship rally that has the kids sitting on the edge of their seats.

4. Not having to worry about dinner for the week. Dinner was served for both children and adults. Community Outreach. 

5. Getting unsolisited hugs.

6. Having everyone in VBS sing Happy Birthday to me. Priceless.

7. Watching our youth love on little kids all week.

8.  Trying to make myself do the motions during music. Ha! That is so hard for me!

9. Collecting food for needy families. Kids have such big hearts! 

10.  Seeing the body of Christ work together to create an amazing week for these kids. I was in awe of what God can do with all of our different spiritual gifts and talents.

Were you and/or your kids involved in VBS this summer? If you have a story or a Top 10 list to share, please do!

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Happy Blogaversary to me! :)

Happy Blogiversary To Me!

Tomorrow is my birthday as well as my blogiversary. It's hard to believe that I've only been blogging a year. Blogging has become so second nature to me it feels like I've been blogging all my life. The intervening year has included:
~ 170 blog posts
~ 68 photos.
~  79 subscribers
~  9 free books (for reviewing)
Thank you, readers, for making writing this blog exciting and interesting every day.  I hope to continue Carol's Corner for years to come.

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