Friday, April 19, 2013

Thoughts on Boston and West, Texas

This week has been a crazy week in our nation. Here are my own meandering thoughts regarding the Boston Marathon Terror Attacks and the Waco Fertilizer Plant Explosion.
We all knew that after 9/11 it would only be a matter of time before another terror attack would occur. However, reality of another attack stirs up old scars. Scars of anxiety, fear and sadness and unexplained loss.  Yet in the midst of the dark and dreary time a light can still can be seen. A ray of resilience. The Unstoppable spirit of the American people. Laying aside their differences and banding together for the sake of helping their fellow countrymen. Many giving from their hearts as well as their pocketbooks. The first responders dropping everything to help others. A ray of hope. Knowing that this is not the end and to keep moving forward moment by moment.  In these dark and trying times I have never been more proud to be an American.
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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Book Review: Freefall to Fly: A Breathtaking Journey Toward a life of Meaning by Rebekah Lyons

I received a free copy of this book/Ebook/Product to review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am a part of Handlebar Publishing

About The Book

Women today are fading. In a female culture built on Photoshopped perfection and Pinterest fantasies, we've lost the ability to dream our own big dreams. So busy trying to do it all and have it all, we've missed the life we were really designed for. And we are paying the price. The rise of loneliness, depression, and anxiety among the female population in Western cultures is at an all-time high. Overall, women are two and a half times more likely to take antidepressants than men. What is it about our culture, the expectations, and our way of life that is breaking women down in unprecedented ways?

In this vulnerable memoir of transformation, Rebekah Lyons shares her journey from Atlanta, Georgia, to the heart of Manhattan, where she found herself blindsided by crippling depression and anxiety. Overwhelmed by the pressure to be domestically efficient, professionally astute, and physically attractive, Rebekah finally realized that freedom can come only by facing our greatest fears and fully surrendering to God's call on our lives. This book is an invitation for all women to take that first step toward freedom. For it is only when we free-fall that we can truly fly.

My thoughts about the book
I was instantly drawn in by this book. It was as if Rebekah Lyons was looking into my life and my struggles. I often wonder what my purpose is and how I can start living it. Lyons helps us to see that true surrender to God will help us find a life more satisfying than we can imagine. I really liked the way the author used quotes at the beginning of the chapters to tie in her theme. This book is a short but powerful read.

About the Author
Rebekah Lyons is the author of Freefall to Fly: A Breathtaking Journey Toward a Life of Meaning. She is a mother of three, wife of one and dog walker of two living in New York City. She’s an old soul with a contemporary, honest voice who puts a new face on the struggles women face as they seek to live a life of meaning. Through emotive writing and speaking, Rebekah reveals her own battles to overcome anxiety, depression, and consumer impulses—challenging women to discover and boldly pursue the calling God has for them. As a self-confessed mess, Rebekah wears her heart on her sleeve, a benefit to friends and readers alike.
Alongside her husband, Gabe, Rebekah serves as cofounder of Q Ideas, a nonprofit organization that helps Christian leaders winsomely engage culture. Her favorite pastime is spent with her nose in a book and a discriminating cup of coffee in hand. You can find Rebekah on Twitter and Facebook.

Note: I'm always happy to do product reviews. If you're a company and want me to review your product, simply e-mail me at the e-mail address on the sidebar to the right.


I received a free copy of this book/Ebook/Product to review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am a part of Handlebar Public Relations.

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