Friday, September 10, 2010

Book Review: For Time and Eternity

Book Description:
When Camilla Deardon hears their songs coming on a breeze, they sound just like the songs in her own church. This is all she knows of the Mormons camping near her family's farm. Mama and Papa warned her to stay away, but she doesn't understand their fear, especially after meeting a young Mormon man named Nathan Fox. So handsome. So charming. His eyes hold the very image of this Zion he talks about, and his step seems a promise to take her there.
Though Camilla knows she should obey her parents, she can't refuse her heart. But Nathan's promises can never prepare her for what she will face in Utah. She's been willing to share her husband's faith, but can she share her marriage with another woman?

My Review:
This book gives insight into the every day life and beliefs of the Mormons. It also compares what they believe to the Bible. All the while this book makes for a delightful and easy read. I only have one complaint about the book-the ending. The Author draws the reader into the story, then leaves the reader hanging at the end wondering how there could possibly be any sort of resolution for the mess that Camilla Deardon is in. Estranged from her parents and her past, she's torn between the children she loves with all her heart, a husband whom she loves despite many marital complications, and the reality that she simply cannot stay where she is.  We have to wait till the Summer of 2011 to find out what happens to Camilla. I'll be looking forward to seeing how the story ends.  I much prefer stand-alone books that are joined by a common thread, each having its own plot. 

The Author:

Allison Pittman is a writer, writing trainer, mother, teacher, speaker, actress and comedian. You can find out more about Allison by checking out her website:

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wordless Wednesday September 8, 2010

My 50's costume. What do you think?


Monday, September 6, 2010

I'm Back-Sort of. Friday Fragments on Monday! :)

I just typed this and for some reason Blogger did not save it so I'm trying this again. Hopefully there will not have to be a third time.  It's so good to be posting again. I've missed posting. I've also missed what's going on in your world. I hope everyone is well. Before I get back to catching up on all the blog post I've missed. Here's what's been going on in my world. 

Well today marks the begining of the third week of school. The school year is already flying by! October 15 will be here before I am ready for it. That is when my long term susbstitue teacher assigment ends. I am loving teaching life skills. Yes, it is a lot of work-like feeding and changing but it's so rewarding! This is the first job that I've ever had that I've truely loved! I am praying and considering getting my special education certification so I can teach special ed. 
My aids and I are getting along great! We've had a couple of misunderstandings but we have worked through them. Now everyone is on the same page. It makes working with others so much easier when you all get along and treat each other with kindness and respect. 

Another thing I love about this job is that I get to wear scrubs. Since we have kids with medical problems that we have to take care of administration has allowed us to wear them. I've never worn scrubs before but I love them! They are so comfy. I wish I could wear them all the time.
My car is running great again! I'm so glad my hubby and friend were able to fix it. I still don't get a pay check for a couple more weeks. I'm thankful that I don't  have to worry about my car acting up anymore.  Thanks sweetie! :)

Yesterday was mine and Matt's anniversary. We've been married for two years. For our anniverary we went to here our friend Steve's band play. It was an outdoor concert and it rocked! It was nice to go out on a date. We haven't been on one in forever.  We don't really have any other Labor Day plans. What have you done? or are you planning to do?

Well I am going to finish writing my blog post for the week. Then I am going to catch up on all the great post you guys have been writing. Have a wonderful week!

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