1. I am feeling much better today. My sinus infection is finally on the mend. You'll never believe what did it. Apple Cider Vinegar. I am not normally a fan of home rememdies but a friend told me about it and it really works. You can find out more about the health benefits of
apple cider vinegar here.
2. It's finally stopped raining here. It rained for 3 days this week and they are saying rain for most of next week. To bad there arent' any fish in Lake Fleisher! :) LOL
3. Last night was first night of my Financial Peace University Class. It teaches you how to live a life of financial peace. An oxymoron right? I thought so too at first but what Dave Ramsey has to say really makes sense. Here's what his
website says about the class.
Financial Peace University (FPU) is Dave's life-changing program that teaches you to achieve your financial goals by eliminating debt, saving for the future, and giving like never before. More than 1 million families have attended FPU with amazing results. You will be challenged and motivated to make a plan for your money and change your family tree forever!
4. My nephews wedding is a little over a month away. My parents, sister as well as my aunt and uncle are coming to stay with us for the wedding. So I've started cleaning and decluttering the house. Why do I always wait so late to get started.
5. Work is still slow to nill. I've been averaing about 3 and 1/2 days of work per two week pay period. Not much but I am holding on to the fact that I know God will take care of us. Yet still sometimes I worry and stress about it. I wonder if I will every get to that point in my faith where I completely trust God.
6. Our church kicked off our Relay for Life team this past Sunday. We are going to "Lick Cancer". So we are selling lollipops as our main fundraiser for the relay. If you'd like to make a donation or join our team go to www.bayarearelay.org and click on the donate button and then choose the Redeemer Lutheran Church team. Thank you so much for your support.
7. I didn't mean to spend so much time on the above post.
8. Thankfull that I do not live up north. My parent's have had snow all this week and they are expecting more snow in the coming week. I will take rain and wind over snow any day!
9. I want the Saints to win the Super Bowl. The Colt's have been to the Super Bowl before and the Saints haven't. Besides, I am Southern girl and I want a Southern team to win
10. I will not be watching the Super Bowl. My TV doesn't pick up that channel and we do not have cable or satellite. Besides, I only like the commercials and I can watch them without the football interruptions on www.hulu.com
Labels: 7 quick takes for Friday