Thursday, January 6, 2011

Friday Fragments #1

Friday Fragments
*****Wow! This first full week of the New Year has flown by. Well not really, It's actually dragged along. Only the last two days-since I went back to work. I'm grateful to be working though don't get me wrong! :)

***** I started my professional development class on Monday. We are reading a book entitled The Trouble with Boys: A Surprising Report Card on Our Sons, Their Problems at School and what Parents and Educators must do.  by Peg Tyre. It's been a surprisingly interesting read. I knew most boys at school act different than girls but then they are boys right?!. It turns out that most boys are falling through the cracks of the educational system! Why do you think so and how should we fix it? There is no right or wrong answer to this question, I am just curious what others think.******

*****I started reading the Bible through in 90 days on Tuesday. It's been great! God's Word is so powerful! It's nice to know that modern families aren't the only ones with "issues" We finished the book of Genesis. I hope I am able to keep up with the reading because next week is going to be even more hetic. ****

**** I do not know how I survived without my Android phone. I love it! <3 <3 <3! It has everything in one convenient location. My bible, a GPS, calendar, pedometer, games, mp3 player. You name it-they have it. If you don't have one I highly recommend that you get one. They are worth the cost. *****

***** I have not been able to study like I have wanted to for my special education certification test. Their is just not enough hours in the day! I think it is really about my lack of motivation. I am not even sure I want to teach anymore. My long term right before the holidays really has me questioning the teaching profession and education these days. I honestly cant seem me teaching for 30+ more years. I don't know what I am going to do. If you don't mind, will you pray that the Lord give me wisdom and guidance in what to do. Thanks ;) ****
*****Went back to the track today. I'm so embarrassed. I did a 20 minute mile! Right before the holidays I did 2 miles in 20 minutes! I almost passed out when I did it but hey I did it! :)To much pumpkin pie and brownies for me during Christmas. I'm gonna get back on the old bandwagon.*****

****I am very please with how my Motivational Monday turned and the response it received. I am going to make it a weekly feature and create a banner.Thanks for tuning in. ********

*****My fellow bloggers, I wanted to invite you to a Top Ten Music Countdown Blog fest over at my friends Alex's blog. Alex, I just have one question for you, only 10? I can't even decide on 10 favorite songs for the year much less ever! I'm gonna try though. :) *****

****One last thing my fellow bloggers. I have a spammer who constant post a spam comment on a certain post. I delete the comment and he/she comes backs and post another one. Is there any way I can block the person from posting on my blog? It so aggravating!****

How was your first full week of 2011? I hope it was a great one! Have a wonderful weekend.

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Monday, January 3, 2011

Motivational Monday

I want to start a new segment called Motivational Monday. Each Monday I will post some motivational/inspirational quotes to help us get out week started. I don't know about you but some Monday's I need all the help I can get! LOL :) This week my thoughts/quotes are about New Years and resolutions. Let me know what you think. I hope you enjoy them.

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day.”Edith Lovejoy Pierce 

 “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” Oprah

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream-C.S.Lewis

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.-Zig Ziglar

Even though you can't go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from NOW and make a brand new end.- Tanya Neyland Page

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Sunday, January 2, 2011


Happy New Year Everyone! Since yesterday was the first day of 2011. I tried several new things. Some worked out wonderfully and some not so much. First I started reading the bible through in 90 day.I thought the challenge started yesterday but it doesn't start till tomorrow! I'm ahead of the game! Yeah!  I've never sat down and read the Bible straight through.Reading is a challenge for me with ADD. It was awesome! God's word came to life. Mom's Toolbox is hosting the challenge. There's still time to join!

Secondly I decided to write a blog post from my phone. That did not work out at all! I could only get it to post 2 or three sentances at a time! How annoying is that! Have any of you tried to post from you phone? How did it work for you? I hope to get it figured out. I think mobile blogging could be great. Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!
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