Monday, August 1, 2011

Book Review: A short life well lived

I am reviewing this book for Glass Road Public Relations

Book Summary:
Brian O’Connor is a successful lawyer, loving husband, and devoted father. He also happens to be blind. Driven his entire life to be independent, Brian has achieved much, but he has been so busy proving his triumph over blindness that he hasn’t stopped to consider how his carefully crafted life can all come crashing down in an instant. When his young son is diagnosed with cancer, the long ensuing battle brings Brian to his knees as he comes to terms with his own limitations and his need for faith.

My Review:
This book tugged at my heart and was a page turner. Sometimes I had to remind myself that this book was fiction. Itis so well written that  you you can imagine this is areally happening to your family. I can't imagine going through what Brian O'Connor did. For those of us who have dealt with cancer it churns up some powerful emotions. But I love the book does not end in dispair but hope . My favorite quote from the book is that "evey momment I'm given need to be appreciated, espceically the ones I spend with those I love." I think that this book is an excellent read for anyone. 

The Author:
Tom Sullivan is an Emmy-nominated actor, singer, author, and producer, the "inconvenience" of being blind has never kept him from competing in a world where he has realized that to be equal, for him, meant that he must be better. His autobiography If you Could See What I Hear, was adapted into a major motion picture. Tom is now writing and producing for television and film. 


At August 1, 2011 at 1:39 PM , Blogger Diana Ferguson said...

How was VBS?


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