What? Really?
I need your opinion on something my fellow bloggers? Do you blog for money? The reason I am asking is because of my husband. I recently told him I was up to 27 followers. He replied "Cool. How many followers do you need before you start getting paid for you blog?" I was speechless. I'd never considered blogging for money. I blog just out of my love for writing and communicating with others. He did get me to thinking though. Would it be so bad to earn a little extra income doing something I enjoy? I'm going to have to look into it. I just wanted to see if any you earn a little extra income from you blog?
I'd love to get paid for blogging let me know what you find out :)
I personally DETEST the ads when I visit a blog. Hate to say it, but I just will not follow a blog that's "gone commercial", sorry. I blog for fun,not money.
I don't think it's easy to make money blogging. I tried Adsense just to see what it's like and I think I "earned" a little over $1 with 1700+ hits over a couple of months. You're not actually paid until your blog earns $10.
I've added a counter to my blog to have an idea of how many readers I have. (Just knowing that people actually read it encourages me to keep writing even if I don't have big numbers.) Bloggers with huge followings sometimes sell their own advertising, but I don't know how that works. There's a question for The Lady Bloggers. =)
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