Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pour my heart out Wednesday: Sophie Sue

Most of you know that we've had trouble with our daschund Sophie lately. She  suddently decided to pee in the middle of our living room floor.We tried everything to get her to stop and to figure out what the cause.After much deliberation, and tears we decided to give her Sophie to my mother in law. After all She gave her to us about 4-5 years ago. I miss her but I don't miss her that much. I miss her wet, sloppy kisses,  I miss her puppy paws tapping across the wood floors, and I miss her barking when someone was close to the door. But other than that I'm good.  Is that awful?  I believe that God gave her to us for a reason, We got her during a dark time in our family. My hubby and I were both out of work and I was seriously depressed. I believed that God used to help through a rough patch.. Here lately she had been different though. Even before she started urinating in the middle of the living room floor. She would just sit around and mop all day. She would only come to life after her daddy got home.
I am honestly surprised that i didn't take her leaving harder. I am starting to question my sanity because I didn't get that upset. . My hubby says I j let it go and enjoy my new found peace and healthiness. I just hope and pray that Sophie Sue blesses my mother in law as much as she has us.
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At August 17, 2011 at 1:29 PM , Blogger Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You filled a need in each other's lives. At least you can still visit her!

At August 17, 2011 at 2:33 PM , Blogger Beth Zimmerman said...

Maybe it was time for a change of pace for both of you? My cats (both kittens) are pooping in all sorts of (inconvenient to clean) places around the house. I hope they get litter trained soon or they may become yard pets!


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