My mood is as gloomy as the weather is today. Not that anything is wrong. I'm just having a blah day. It's not an awesome day but it's not awful either. It is just blah! I wanna curl up with a good book and read all day. Come on, You know you've had those days before!
I forgot to tell Matt to help me take the broken needle out of my machine. Not knowing where any pliers are I am probably take a break from sewing today and do something else that I love. I know, I know, I'll read. I've been reading since before I was born. Okay, I couldn't read then but I was being read to. Hence my love for books!
I am currently reading 3 totally different books and genera. (Dr. Stafford aren't you glad that I am using English verbiage and spelling it correctly! I did learn a few things working in the English Department all those years! :) )
I am reading: Harry Potter and the Scorers Stone, Why I am Lutheran and Audition by Barbara Walters. You are probably wondering why I am reading three things to totally and completely different. Here's why.
First Harry Potter and the Socrcers Stone is just fun. I am a huge fan of Harry Potter. I am rereading the books with some friends and discussing them as we go along. We haven't started actually discussing them yet. I'm sure when we do things will get interesting because we all have very different opinions of things.
Next, Audition by Barbara Walters. I started reading this book because someone recommended. I thought that I wasn't going to like it though. However, when I started reading this book I began to relate with Barb.I didn't think we had anything in common but we do! :) She and I both have sisters with developmental disabilities. I can totally empathize with the wide range of emotions she has toward Jackie and how their relationship has evolved over the years. I that is what my sister and I have (and continue to go through). More about this in upcoming blogs. This book has all kinds of funny moments as well interesting facts about Barbara's life. It's quite a large book at 579 pages but well worth the read!
The last book I am currently reading is Why I am Lutheran? I haven't gotten very far in this book yet. Okay, Okay I am still on the 2 page of the Introduction! But I have every intention of reading it all the way through. Why you ask? Because my husband and I recently started attending a Lutheran church in Baytown. A friend of ours recommend it and we felt instantly at home there. The people are so welcoming and friendly. For those of you that know how I grew up this is a big change. I grew up dyed in the wool Baptist. So to go to a Lutheran church is sacrilege to some of my family-but they will get over it! Yes, the Lutheran church is very very different from being Baptist but it's not bad! Just different. Okay, Carol, back on topic. I am reading this book to help me get a better understanding of what Lutherans believe and why the do the things they do. As I learn more I will share with you.
Time to go read some more!
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