T is for Trust, Tribe.
T is for Trust
“Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal.” - Isaiah 26:4 NIV
I am starting to think something is wrong with me. I can't seem to trust! I don't know why! Maybe it's because of my abusive past I don't know. It's just frustrating. It's bad enough that I have trouble at times trusting my family and friends. But worst of all I have problems Trust my Father God! Am I the only one with this trouble!!? I know He know's what's pest for me it's just that not knowing! URR! It's so aggravating! It's so much easier to say that you trust God than actually do it.
I think this is the hardest thing in the world to do. To let go and give God complete and total control. The hardest thing for us to do is release our faith.
When we truly trust the Lord with our hearts, we finally give Him permission and freedom to minister to us without us getting in His way.
He won’t force anything on us. But we must let go completely.
By NOT trusting Him…we are retaining our control over our situations.
When we truly trust the Lord with our hearts, we finally give Him permission and freedom to minister to us without us getting in His way.
He won’t force anything on us. But we must let go completely.
By NOT trusting Him…we are retaining our control over our situations.
He won’t force anything on us. But we must let go completely. Easier said than done but I find comfort in God's Grace and Mercy
Labels: belief, blogging a to z challenge, faith
I think sometimes it's difficult to trust because we want things done on our timetable, not His.
Very true Alex. I know I am guilty of that.
Trust is difficult to come by sometimes. It requires a leap of faith. Great post! I love the illustration, too.
You're most certainly not the only one. I have my hand up, too. I believe our view of God is often tainted by our experience with human kind. I think we come in this world full of trust but life events can cause us to draw up. At least that's what He's been showing me.
I think what Alex said is so very true.
Enjoy your week-end.
I think understanding that you struggle with this is a huge step toward giving up to God.
Thanks Rachel. I hope so.
The reason we don't trust God is simple: we do not want to accept what God has for us as best for us.
Most believers are guilty of idolatry; they imagine a God that they can live with and love. The trouble with that it makes God to less than He truly is which makes us idolaters.
To fully trust God whether in clear daylight with clear signs or in the darkest of night means we stop dictating our will and wishes to Him.
Becasue we have peddled a false gospel for so long most people are never told the truth about Christ, Christianity, salvation, or the gospel.
Christianity and the gospel is not a door to health, wealth, and champange wishes and caviar dreams. It is the door to death, to suffering, to denial.
If we were told the truth we would have been told, to be a Christian means to die to self, pick up the cross and follow Christ.
The NT makes it clear that the path that we follow on is a path of suffering. But it is a path where He leads and has gon on before, where He sustains, where He strengthens us.
When we finally fall on our knees and say not my will but thy will, then we can learn to trust him that everything He sends our way or permites to come our way is for our best.
See, until we have meditated on Him and find Him to be our greatest treasure, other tings will be our greatest treasure. Other things like jobs, spouses, families, parents, homes, possessions, reputation, acheivments, etc, but everyone of these things will at one time or another disappoint us. But when He is our greatest treasure then nothing He does or doesn't do will disappoint us.
I guess there may be a second reason that we don't trust Him, we just don't believe that He is sovereign. That He is in absolute control. That He has given us what He knows we need to be stripped of our own self will, our own pride, our own selfishness. When we really believe He is sovereing, we can only say as Job did when his health was taken away, His crops were destroyed, His animals killed or captured and his ten kids were killed - The Lord gives and the Lord takes, blessed be the name of the Lord.
The church today is like some huckster hawking health and wealth when it should be preparing believers to suffer. Suffering comes before the crown, cross first, crown in glory.
We don't come into this world full of trust, we come into this world with me first attitude, we are ego-centric right out of the womb. Our little fists clinch the moment we want something and don't get it immediately.
Go to the Scriptures, meditate on the character and nature of God. Learn His attributes. Confess the fact that you have trusted and treasured other things besides Him, tell Him you are sorry. Ask Him to teach you step by step day by day that He is worthy to be trusted, worthy to be our greatest treasure, worthy becasue His faithfulness is fresh every day.
I find trust difficult as well. I know it is an issue for me of wanting to be in control and, as Alex said, wanting things in my own
Count me in as one who wants to fully trust...has complete faith that His will is best...but still struggles to not put a hand back in where it does not belong....
trust is somethings we have to work on
our whole lives. it is like the poor man
who said to Jesus, "Lord, i believe. help
my unbelief!"
"Lord, i trust, but help me to trust You
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