Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A is for Aquarium-Day 1 of blogging A to Z challenge

A is for Aquarium

Today is the first day of blogging challenge posted by tossing it out. My topic for the letter A is Aquarium. This is the first word that popped in my head when I thought of words that start with the letter A. In fact, that is how I choose all my post topics for this challenge. I am going to write about the first word that pops into my head that matches the corresponding letter. I hope this works for me! :)
An aquarium what do I think of when I hear that word? I think of big clear box that you can look at fish in. All my life I've been around aquariums. One of my earliest memories is of 30 gallon take we had. As an 8 year the aquarium was huge! My mom had this aquarium on top of a book case. That aquarium was my moms pride and joy. She raised Angel fish in it. My mom loves Angel fish. She thinks they are angelic like her. The angel fish in this aquarium were the size of an adults fist. At least several times as day my mom would stop what she was doing and watch the "Angel babies" for a while. Little did my mom know that those days of loving looking at her fish were about to change.
One night I was a in bed sound asleep when I was suddenly awakened to the sound of my mom screaming. I raced to the living room as fast as I could. I thought maybe the house was on fire or something. When I got there I saw her picking her poor angel fish up off the floor! The aquarium had cracked down the middle dumping water everywhere and throwing my mom's babies on the floor. Unfortunately the Angel fish did not survive this traumatic event. Not to mention the fact that many of the books in the bookcase were ruined. My mom never had another aquarium after that. I think it was because she missed her “Angel babies."

Have you ever had an aquarium? If so what did you have in it? Did you use it for something besides holding fish? I'd love to know.



At March 31, 2010 at 6:38 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I probably *should* remember that aquarium, but I don't. What I remember about aquariums is that my grandmother had a gazillion guppies in a very GREEN tank. Whereas I think mom and I cleaned ours too much and the fish didn't like it. *g*

(Also, I accidentally murdered some tadpoles once. Water from copper pipes is not good for them!)

At March 31, 2010 at 6:56 PM , Blogger Survivormama said...

Awww..poor angel fishies...My parents had a big aquarium when I was a teenager..I inheirited it when I got it is gone..but for the life of me I cannot remember where it went! I too am participating in this your first!

At March 31, 2010 at 7:31 PM , Blogger Cathy said...

No aquariums in our house - ever. I think our cats would have had a field day if there had of beenlol
Enjoyed your first A-Z post, looking forward to more. Am following so as not to miss any

At March 31, 2010 at 7:41 PM , Anonymous Critty said...

What a fun idea! An A-Z challenge :)

Those poor angel babies! And your poor Mom!

At March 31, 2010 at 10:02 PM , Blogger Arlee Bird said...

"First thing that pops into your head" sounds like the best way to do it--- that's the way I planned mine so far.

When I was a kid I always wanted an aquarium with colored rocks on the bottom, a bubbling deep sea diver, and a treasure chest. Never got one and now I don't think I'd want one, especially after the cracked aquarium story--what a nightmare!
I still like to look at them though and I really like those giant public aquariums--they are so cool.

At March 31, 2010 at 10:02 PM , Blogger Arlee Bird said...

"First thing that pops into your head" sounds like the best way to do it--- that's the way I planned mine so far.

When I was a kid I always wanted an aquarium with colored rocks on the bottom, a bubbling deep sea diver, and a treasure chest. Never got one and now I don't think I'd want one, especially after the cracked aquarium story--what a nightmare!
I still like to look at them though and I really like those giant public aquariums--they are so cool.

At March 31, 2010 at 10:20 PM , Blogger Tori Cooper said...

How cute! We had an aquarium in our home growing up. We didn't have anything fancy like "angel fish" though. My papa was the one who set up the fish tank... and he used to sit in front of it to relax... :-) Keep it up... doing great so far!

At April 1, 2010 at 2:34 AM , Blogger Jessica Bell said...

Hi! I just joined your blog :) I'm also an April A-Z Challenger. Great post! Poor fishies :(

It reminds me of when I was about five. I was begging and begging for ages for my mum to by me a goldfish. Finally she did, but it dies three days later casue I kept taking it out to kiss it!

At April 1, 2010 at 2:46 AM , Blogger RHYTHM AND RHYME said...

When my husband was alive we had an aquarium, he loved to sit and watch the fish swim around and when they had their babies he'd sit for hours watching in awe.
A lovely first post for the challenge.
Have a lovely day.

At April 1, 2010 at 5:27 AM , Blogger Wanda said...

Never had an aquarium before. Great start to the A-Z Challenge.

At April 1, 2010 at 6:21 AM , Blogger Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I think I like visiting aquariums more - I don't have to clean those! But sometimes it's nice to have one - livens a room.

I'm doing the challenge as well. I like your method of selecting your posts.

At April 1, 2010 at 7:21 AM , Blogger Trevor Peck said...

Hey fellow challenger...or is it challangee...or maybe I'm just challenged! Anyway, I used to work at an a fish store. That's as close as I got to having my own.

Looking forward to seeing what else pops into your head along the way!

Love in the Truth.

At April 1, 2010 at 7:43 AM , Blogger Nola said...

Like the alphabet blogging!
I haven't had an aquarium in years, too much temptation for the kitties.

At April 1, 2010 at 12:25 PM , Blogger Gregg Metcalf said...

I love aquariums. We use to have several. It is time to get another one I think. I have always wanted a salt fish tank.

At April 1, 2010 at 5:50 PM , Blogger GAFlyGirl said...

I always wanted an aqarium with fish. My mom refused fish as pets though.. she has a phobia of finding dead fish. they make her sick and give her the willies.. LOL

At April 1, 2010 at 6:25 PM , Blogger Adrienne said...

found you over at TX bloggers cute blog ...visit me if you want I am following you

At April 1, 2010 at 6:53 PM , Blogger Lisa said...

Awww, that's kinda sad. Your poor mom, not to mention the poor little fishies.

Interesting that you thought of aquarium. I thought everyone would think of apple or something like that.

I enjoyed reading!



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