Monday, April 26, 2010

Letters U and V

Letter U and V
I want to give everyone an update I am so much better. Up until Friday I continued having my horrible allergy headaches Thankfully some rain utterally washed all the pollen away-At least for now. Since my headaches have ceased I have been running around like a mad woman viciously trying to catch up. Understand that these headaches were unusually dabiliating. Our house was so untidy! It made me crazy! Things are better now. MUCH Better! :)
Also this weekend was Relay for Life. Our church had a both. Our unique theme this year was "Lick Cancer" and we sold lollipops. There were several vacancies on the schedule for working the booth-especially during the night. My hubby and I vallently stayed. Well I did. I finally told my hubby the he needed to go home at midnight since he had to work the next day. I lasted till about 2 am  That's about all I have time for. I have to vamoose to work



At April 26, 2010 at 11:47 AM , Blogger Raquel Byrnes said...

Ouch for the headaches. Hope you're feeling better soon!

At April 26, 2010 at 12:23 PM , Blogger Wanda said...

Creative use of "u" and "v". Glad you're feeling better. I understand how those allergy/sinus headaches can feel.

At April 26, 2010 at 2:06 PM , Blogger RHYTHM AND RHYME said...

Glad you're feeling better, I had to get a nasal spray from the doctors, my sinus's were playing up, he said it was an allergy a thing I don;t suffer with usually.

Take care,

At April 26, 2010 at 2:31 PM , Blogger Nola said...

What a cute theme for your Relay for Life team. I hope you raised lots of money.
Hope your allergy headaches vamoose, too!


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