Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday Fragments

1. I'm glad to be home after being a Texas School last week. Being  away from your friends and families for a bit makes you appreciate them

2. Texas School was phenomenal! I can't wait to tell you about it next week.

3. I can't wait to apply all the cool photography stuff I learned last week at my niece's birthday party! I can't believe she's turning six!

4. Only 20 days left of school. I'm so ready for summer vacation but I will miss my coworkers and students. I will especially miss my fifth graders who are moving on to junior high.

5. Mother's day is Sunday. It's a mixed emotions kinda day for me. I am so thankful for the amazing women in my life. I am also a little sad because I want to be a mom someday.

That's what is going on in my life. What's going on in yours?

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