Sunday, October 9, 2011

Good morning everyone! Wow! It's hard to believe that it's been almost a month since my last post. For those of you who have sent me messages asking if I'm okay and telling me that you missed my post. Thank you! Those messages touched my heart. Yes true I haven't posted and here are the reasons why.
First of all, I've gone back to work. Thank you Lord for taking care of us and providing for us! I am working with special education students usually the severe and profound. This job extremely rewarding to me but also extremely exhausting. Fall is usually a busy time for my family even when I'm not working. I love the cooler weather and wonderful opportunities it brings but it always has us hopping.
Secondly I've just been a little burned out on my blog. A couple of months ago I decided to have my blog critiqued to see how I could get more readers, more product reviews, ect.-ya ya ya. The reviewer made some suggestions and I decided to try them. . Well in trying to conform to this "proven method of success" I ended up hating my blog and almost deleted my it. I'm so glad that I didn't but I knew I needed a break. I've come to the conclusion I may never be a very successful or profitable blogger and that's okay. I love blogging and sharing my experiences with others. With that being said I am going to try to blog on Monday, Wednesday and Friday but if not I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I have many post I can't wait to share with you! Thanks again my readers for all you love, concern and support. Talk to you soon!

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At October 9, 2011 at 7:41 AM , Blogger Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hey Carol! Glad you're back. And if you don't enjoy it and blog about what you love, then why bother?

At October 10, 2011 at 6:43 PM , Blogger Beth Zimmerman said...

So glad you found your way back! I've decided I'm never going to make a living off this blogging thing myself. Just breaking even would be an improvement! But I blog for the love of it and that's what I will continue to do!


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