Saturday, December 26, 2009

My First Gluten Free Christmas Part 1

Well I did it! I made my first gluten free holiday foods! I here's what I made: Cranberry Cobbler, Surprise (Tortilla Chip) Stuffing, Crestless Coconut Pie, Cinnamon Bun Muffins, and Cheddar Biscuits.
     I started with the stuffing. It was surprisingly easy to make. You just take tortilla chips, and cover them with broth. Then you add whatever "extras" you want too. I added cranberries, celery, onion, and mushrooms.I can't wait to taste it tomorrow over at my in-laws. I hope every one likes it.  Here's a picture of what it looked like when took it out of the oven. Thanks Shirely over for the recipe.

After that I decided to some cranberry cobbler. Having been born and raised in the South-I love cobbler! I decided to try agave nectar with this recipie. My hubby bought a huge bottle of agave nectar at one of the local liquor store a while back.  I like it!  It so sweet and I really like the fact that it has a low glycemic index.! :) Things went well tll I put it in the oven. When it was time to take the cobbler  out of the oven it was still runny! Like really runny. So I left it in the oven for an extra 20+ minutes. Finally, it looked like a cobbler. Also, I want to thank ginger lemon girl ( for the recipe.

While the cobbler was in the oven cooking, I decided to start on my crestless coconut pie. My hubby loves coconut! He was such a wonderful helper today. He help me cook and even helped me clean up the kitchen afterwords! :) I love you sweetie. Thanks for all your help.
Back ot my pie. I usually tweek recipies after I have made them one or twice. For some strange re ason I decided not to follow the recipie. the recipie (from called for 1 1/2 c. of coconut and since there was only a little bit more of coconut left in the bag I decided to put it in too.  Needless to say, silly me did not think about the pie overflowing. Thankfully I had decided to put a cookie sheet under the pie pan.
I made had made cheadder biscuts earlier in the week (this recipie is also from So last but not least, I made Cinammon Bun Muffins. This recipie was from I tweeked this one slightly as well. Instead of using almond and coconut flour as the recipie suggested I used a bun mix from Kinnikinnick. I just added all the other ingrediance to the recipie. I don't feel compitent enough in my baking to make my own glutten free mix yet. Oh before I forget I also, subsituted the grapeseed oil for coconut oil. I also decided to put the topping on last. However, after the first dozen. I discovered that they were to dry if you put the icing on after the muffins are done. So I decided to put the icing on before I baked them. Here's a picture of them.

 Hopefully, I have not put you to sleep yet.! :) I just wanted to share with you my advents in gluten baking so far. Read my next blog post to find out how the rest of my Christmas was! :)

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At January 1, 2010 at 8:24 PM , Blogger gfe--gluten free easily said...

Wow, Carol, you tried three of my recipes all at once! I am so honored. I hope you enjoyed them all. :-)

Lots of hugs,


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